The World Tenniquoits Federation (WTF), which has been founded in April 2004 in South Africa by the National Tenniquoits Federations of Germany, India and South Africa is the highest international authority concerning the sports of Tenniquoits and obliged to the development of Tenniquoits worldwide. The purpose of the WTF is to promote and control the sport Tenniquoits and to organise international competitions between the affiliated National Tenniquoits Federations. Tenniquoits, which is also known as Ringtennis, Tennikoit or Decktennis contains all elements of a challenging sport: Technical and tactical aspects as well as demands to the manual condition, agility and creativity of its players.
The Court
The Net
Height and Position: The net is positioned in a height of 1.65 m above the center-line and divides the court into two equal halfs. The above specified height has to exist at any point of the upper edge of the net, measured from the floor.
Quality and Measures: The net is a close meshed canvas of cotton or synthetic fibre with a length between 5.50 and 6.10 m (meshed area) and a depth between 0.40 and 0.70 m. In case the meshed area of the net is longer than 5.50 m, the extension beyond the side-lines has to be equal in both directions. The upper edge of the net should have a different colour than the rest of the net.
Fixation: The net has to be fixed with a cord or hanger at two vertical posts of firm steel, respectively one placed on each side of the court upon the marked or imaginary center-line with a distance of approximately 30 cm from the side-lines. The posts shouldn’t outrange a height of 1.70 m (measured from the floor) and must be qualified to warrant a strained net.
The Ring
Material and Quality: The ring is produced of white or yellow solid rubber without air inside and has a plain and firm surface, which qualifies it for fast rotations without losing stability during the flight through the air.
Weight and Dimensions: The ring, authorised by the World Tenniquoits Federation, must have a weight between 190 and 220 grams, an inner diameter between 11 and 12 cm, an outer diameter between 17 and 18 cm and a thickness of 3 cm (diameter). The thickness is allowed to vary plus or minus 0.5 cm.
Links: The WTF website contains links to websites of other organisations. When establishing these links to external websites, the authors reviewed these websites and affirmed that no illegal contents were visible at that time. The WTF is not responsible for the contents, correctness or accuracy of linked pages and not liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and especially not for damages that arise from the use of the information offered on the linked pages.