On the 17th and 27th of January, the Basque Association of Beach Tennis and Minority Sports organized the V. Basque Ring Tennis Tournament (Individual) in Derio (Bizkaia – Basque Country). We met both days in Derio. We gathered in total 9 players and we played 3 rounds the first day (all against all) and the other 3 rounds the next day (using a knockout system).
On the first day 4 players participated, and on the second day 8, three players from the first day repeated. We added the points obtained on both days according to the position of each one and calculated the final ranking. It rained both days so we had to set up the two ringtennis courts inside a free-covered fronton in Derio. We had fun. The matches were very intense and disputed. On the first day, Joseba (he also participated in the second and last session) and Egoitz were the best and on the second and last day, Egoitz played in the final against Darlyn. Darlyn is an 11 year old boy who has improved a lot.
This tournament has been good for us tournament to practice and prepare for the World Championship that will be held in the summer and we hope to be able to attend and represent the Basque Country. If all goes well in April we will play the IV Basque Ring Tennis Tournament but this time in doubles.
Here we leave you the results:
First day. 17th of January
Egoitz Campo 21-14 Unai Pérez
Joseba Zubiaurre 21-5 Andi Erromo
Egoitz Campo 21-15 Joseba Zubiaurre
Unai Pérez 21-3 Andi Erromo
Egoitz Campo 21-10 Andi Erromo
Joseba Zubiaurre 21-19 Unai Pérez
First session
1-Egoitz Campo 4 points
2-Joseba Zubiaurre 3 points
3-Unai Pérez 2 points
4-Andi Erromo 1 point
The second day, the 27th of January
Quarter Finals
Egoitz Campo 21-1 Maria
Darlyn Mendoza 21-3 Daniel Barrientos
Javier Pignoise 22-20 Unai Pérez
Joseba Zubiaurre 21-2 Jan Dabi Romero
Egoitz Campo 21- 13 Javier Pignoise
Darlyn Mendoza 21-5 Joseba Zubiaurre
3º and 4º position match
Joseba Zubiaurre 21-19 Javier Pignoise
Egotiz Campo 21-13 Darlyn Mendoza
Second day
1-Egoitz Campo 8 points
2-Darlyn Mendoza 7 points
3-Joseba Zubiaurre 6 points
4-Javier Pignoise 5 points
5-Unai Pérez 4 points
6-Daniel Barrientos 3 points
7-Jan Dabi Romero 2 points
8-Maria Ayala 1 point
Classification of the IV. Basque Tournament of Ring Tennis (Individual)
1-Egoitz Campo 12 points (Basque Country)
2-Joseba Zubiaurre 9 points (Basque Country)
3-Darlyn Mendoza 7 points (Basque Country)
4-Unai Pérez 6 points (Basque Country)
5-Javier Pignoise 5 points (Basque Country)
6-Daniel Barrientos 3 points (Basque Country)
7-Jan Dabi Romero 2 points (Basque Country)
8-Andi Erromo 1 point (Basque Country)
9-Maria Ayala 1 point (Paraguay)
Here you can see also the winners of the individual Basque Ring Tennis Tournaments played so far.
2019 – David Montfulleda
2020 – Egoitz Campo
2021 – Egoitz Campo
2022 – Egoitz Campo
2023 – Egoitz Campo